MRC Newsletter - Issue 2 - 22 February 2023

Principal's Message

Today we recognise Ash Wednesday, a most significant day in the Christian calendar. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the season of Lent, which is a 40-day period of reflection and preparation for Easter, the most important day on the Christian calendar. On Ash Wednesday, Christians traditionally attend a church service where they receive a mark of ashes on their forehead in the shape of a cross. This is a symbolic reminder of our humanity and the importance of reflection and spiritual renewal. Traditionally during Lent, Christians are encouraged to fast, pray, and engage in acts of charity as a way of deepening their relationship with God and preparing themselves for the celebration of Easter. Today, many Christians choose to give up something they enjoy, such as a favourite food or activity, as a way of sacrificing and focusing on spiritual growth. Our shared canteen in Camperdown will be red meat free on Ash Wednesday and each Friday during Lent.

These first few weeks have seen MRC gather together and celebrate “Community” with many whole school events. Our Commencement Mass launched our 2023 school year and shared with our community our theme, "Celebrating our past, inspiring our future". This is most fitting given 2023 is our Jubilee year.

Our Swimming Carnival saw house colours resplendent and some very impressive performances in the pool. Our Athletics Carnival is the next opportunity for all young people in our community to get involved. These days are a part of our whole school learning program and it is expected that all are present and hopefully involved in the day.
A focus for our school community this year is to maximise the learning opportunities and therefore learning outcomes for all young people. Parents and carers, as our partners in learning, will notice increased attention to ensuring regular attendance at school, engagement in learning, use of the school diary for managing learning expectations, expectations and strategies applied in the classroom which create the optimal conditions for learning and school uniform. A positive partnership between the school, parents and carers and our young people is imperative to ensure everyone has the opportunity for growth and achievement and an enjoyable time at school.
We will welcome a volunteer French Language Assistant to MRC and St Colman’s Primary School in Term 2. Our assistant will work in collaboration with our French teacher Mrs Monika Socha in our Year 7 & 8 French classes. There are many benefits to having a native-speaking language assistant in secondary language learning classrooms. Some of these benefits include improved speaking and listening skills, increased cultural awareness, enhanced individualised attention, enhanced learning engagement and motivation and regular exposure to accurate pronunciation. We are now seeking expressions of interest from families who may be able to host our female assistant in a homestay arrangement for the duration of her stay. Hosting can be with one family for the duration of the term or can be shared between one or two families. A host family would need to be able to provide:
- a reasonable standard of accommodation with a separate bedroom and adequate privacy for our guest
- access to a kitchen, bathroom, lounge and laundry facilities for the duration of her stay
- meals each day (MRC can provide some assistance here)
Transport to and from our O’Keeffe Campus each day will be arranged by MRC with access to our school bus system as a possibility. If you are interested in finding out more about this opportunity please contact me -
We welcome our prospective students and their families to our Open Day on Wednesday 22 March. The Open Day will take place at the McAuley Campus in Camperdown and will feature two sessions - 9.15am (School in Action) and 4pm. Please book your tour at this link or contact our Registrar Nicole Darcy with any questions.

I share with you the opportunity three of our current Year 12 students chose to embrace across the Summer break. Angus, Emily and Katerina enrolled in ACU’s SUIT (Step Up Into Teaching) program. SUIT is an Australian Catholic University (ACU) early entry program. It provides secondary school students considering a career in teaching the opportunity to experience learning in a university environment. The participants enrolled in either one or two university level courses at ACU: Digital Technologies and Understanding Learning and Teaching. We congratulate Angus and Emily on enrolling and successfully completing both units. Katerina chose to enrol in just the first unit and was successful in completing this. Students who pass their SUIT studies and achieve a minimum 25 score in VCE English will receive either an unconditional (two units) or conditional (one unit) offer to study a Bachelor of Education degree at ACU. Offers of a place at ACU will be made before the TAC offer rounds. We congratulate Angus, Emily and Katerina and hope that a similar opportunity will be available to current Year 11 students at the end of 2023.
We are very excited to share with our community confirmation of our 2023 Production. We will share its title very soon but promise it is something worth waiting for. We encourage all young people to get involved. Performances will once again be hosted at the Camperdown Theatre Royal and we will partner with both Red Door Productions, Colac and the Camperdown Theatre Company to bring to you an enjoyable experience. We are also in the planning stages of offering to our Year 9 to 12 students a Central Australia optional experience. More details will be shared as soon as possible.
With kindness
Sharon Gillett
Fees & Subsidies
College Fees
College Fees invoices for 2023 have been sent out to families this week. If families are not paying their fees upfront by 31 March 2023, they will need to make an arrangement for the payment through our direct debit system. Please make contact with Bernadette Savory, to discuss a payment arrangement if you do not have one in place.
Mercy Regional College understands that families may experience financial hardship at times. As a Catholic school we have a long established policy that no child is denied a Catholic education because of a family's difficulty or inability to contribute to tuition fees. However, we do need families to initiate these conversations with us, we encourage you to contact the Business Manager, Judith Murfitt, to enable us to support and assist families with financial challenges.
Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF)
The State Government provides the CSEF to assist eligible families to cover the cost of school camps and excursions. If you hold a valid means-tested concession card, you may be eligible for CSEF. The annual amount for a secondary student is $225.00. Please contact Bernadette Savory to complete an application form.
Learning at MRC

VCE News
A determined focus has been on our Senior students this past fortnight as we have been putting in place some processes and procedures to strengthen our learning culture and create fairer and more rigorous conditions for completion of School Assessed Coursework. All families would have received a PAM communication from myself and Danae Fraser outlining the new Sub-SAC process. This is a dedicated after school session held twice a week in the College Library for Year 11 and 12 VCE students who need to:
- Catch up on SACs they were absent for
- Complete ‘hurdle tasks’ (tasks required to satisfactorily meet VCE outcomes) that are overdue
- Redeem an ‘N’ result in any hurdle task or SAC.
Teachers will be registering students for these sessions (held on Mondays and Wednesdays - to allow for flexibility) as of this week with the first letters sent home via PAM this Friday. Should your son or daughter be required to attend a Sub-SAC session you will receive a letter on the Friday the week prior.
Strive for 25 - Year 12 English
Last Wednesday afternoon all of the VCE students sat through a presentation that outlined the specific importance of a 25 study score in English. The students learned that:
- The ATAR is designed solely for university entrance.
- A prerequisite study score of 25 in English is required for entry to all university courses.
- A study score below 25 in English will make your ATAR null and void
The students were taken through the process of how to strategically and mathematically track and predict their progress using the VCAA grade boundaries and rubrics. They were provided with case studies of examples where students were on track to receive 25 and those at risk. By the end of Unit 3, all of the students will have an indication of where they sit and parents of students at risk of not achieving 25 will be contacted to discuss the implications of this for pathways planning.
It may be that a student decides to complete an ‘unscored’ VCE. The unscored option allows students to achieve their VCDE certificate without the ATAR. This is a terrific option for students who are certain that they do not wish to attend university in the first few years post school and relieves them of the stress of having to sit exams (unscored students meet the unit outcomes through school assessed coursework only). Please discuss the presentation with your son or daughter and ask them what they learned. There was some ‘tough love’ delivered along the way but we feel it important to be as transparent as possible to make our students aware of the ‘system’ they are swimming in. Here is the link to the presentation. It is quite long (over an hour) but feel free to watch. Those parents who attended said it was quite the eye opener!
Country Education Project - Regional Education Support Network (RESN)
We have been given a terrific opportunity to engage with the services of the RESN to support our senior students in their learning. Regional Education Support Network (RESN) is a not-for-profit student network that offers rural and regional students free educational support, such as tutoring, mentoring, and access to study resources. They currently provide 1,400 students in Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria with a full suite of academic support services. We will be promoting this service with our students but encourage all families to sign up via the website -
Learning@Mercy Leadership Team -
Natalie Stephenson, Danae Fraser and Lydia Darcy
Community & Wellbeing at MRC

Grit or Quit - The Resilience Question
As parents, we often pride ourselves on instilling a sense of grit and resilience in our children by ferrying them to various activities or sports. But what do we do when they announce, mid-season, that they want to take a break or quit altogether? This question raises a lot of debate and concerns about our children's participation in sports.
While grit and resilience are often used as buzzwords, these terms have been extensively researched. According to Angela Duckworth, an American researcher, grit involves perseverance and passion for long-term goals. As adults, we can reflect on the experiences that have helped build our resilience, but kids and adolescents are still developing this ability to work strenuously towards a goal. Their brains are undergoing significant developmental changes.
Educators with a focus on teacher education, know how important it is to help children navigate challenging situations and cultivate their resilience. So how do we handle those difficult conversations when kids announce they want to quit a sport or activity?
The first step is to remain neutral and assess the situation. Is this a heat-of-the-moment decision, made after a big loss or a less-than-stellar performance? Good decisions are rarely made in those moments. It is also helpful to talk to the coach or tutor to understand the underlying reasons for the child's decision.
When kids announce they want to quit, it is crucial to keep the dialogue open. Listen carefully to their reasons, and share with them the research that suggests having a growth mindset fosters persistence and positive long-term outcomes. It is important to encourage perseverance and commitment, but also respect their feelings and desires.
The key is to find a balance between pushing our children to stick with a commitment they've made and allowing them to explore other activities. Ultimately, we want to teach our children that resilience is built through experience, not just by telling them about it. By helping them navigate difficult situations, we can instil in them the skills they need to succeed in all areas of life.

Wearing a School Uniform and the “Why?”
Wearing the correct uniform at school has been a subject of debate for many years, with opinions divided on whether it is a necessary requirement or a form of restriction on personal freedom. Mercy Regional College is seeking a working partnership in which we can look at the importance of uniform, why we wear it and what elements need to be critically reviewed.
This process will include professional readings and articles that discuss the issues around wearing school uniforms, parent surveys and an invitation for parents to join a focus group to review data and contribute to parent voice.
This information will be emailed to all parents this week.
Wellbeing Team - Berni Sinnott, Sharon Suhan, Matthew Irving
School Photos 2023
Annual school photos including sibling photos will be taken by Arthur Reed Photos on Friday 31 March 2023.
There is no need to return any forms or money to school.
Unique image codes will be issued to all students on/after photo day so families can register online to view images when they become available in the webshop.
Registration is simple, just follow the 3 simple steps on your child’s personalised flyer once you receive it and remember to add the codes for all your children attending this school.
Even if you registered last year, it’s important that you do again this year using your child’s 2023 image code to link their images for the current year with your contact details.
When images are ready to view and in the webshop, all parents who have registered will be notified by SMS and email.
Once registered, please wait for notification that 2023 images are online to view before making your purchase.
Year 7 Camp

Surf's up! The Year 7 students had an epic three-day surf camp at Lorne, and it was a rip-roaring success! Students were able to hone their surfing skills, make new friends, and conquer various challenges. Here's a quick summary of the highlights and challenges of the trip.
First, the triumphs. Many students were able to ride the waves and stand up on their surfboards for the first time. It was fantastic to see everyone cheering each other on and celebrating each other's successes. Overall, it was a great opportunity for students to try something new and push themselves beyond their limits. When we were not surfing we were enjoying the sites of Lorne with a challenging walk to Teddy’s lookout, ultimate frisbee challenge, sand sculpture competition and some time at the river.
We had beautiful sunny days over the 3 days, however, this did bring some north winds, which in turn flattened the oceans waves. We adapted our program slightly to ensure all our young people accessed the best waves during the day.
One of the best things about the surf camp was the opportunity for students to form new friendships. Spending three days together, sharing meals and bunking in the same rooms, really brought everyone closer together. It was heartwarming to see students from different classes and social circles bonding over their experiences during the day and their new found love of surfing.
Our night activities were also full of fun with our Mercy trivia and a night walk to the Lorne pier.
We would like to give a big shoutout to all the students who made this trip such a pleasure. Everyone was incredibly respectful, kind, and grateful over the three days and with all their encounters. It was a real joy to be a part of this trip, and we hope that all the students will continue to pursue their love of surfing in the future. Who knows, we may have some future world champions in our midst!
A huge thank you to our staff who so graciously gave up their time for our students to have this opportunity. We are very grateful for all the help and support.
Emily Stephens
O'Keeffe Community Leader

CSPV Connect News
Please find a link below for the February issue of CSPV Connect News.
In this issue you will find two important surveys for parents to provide their voice and perspective for key issues in education.
Faith at MRC
Our MRC Commencement Mass was a very special occasion on Thursday 9 February. It was a wonderful to celebrate the start of the year together in the setting of the Mass.
Tindley House hosted the Mass with students and staff from Tindley taking on readings and prayers. John Tindley was the first Principal of our school and the introduction included a brief recount of his tenacity and drive in the foundation years of Catholic Regional College.
Fr Neville was our celebrant and his homily focused on the readings, including the Beatitudes. These readings reminded us to be peaceful and merciful whenever we can. The Mass was celebrated in the de Chantal Stadium and was attended by all students, staff and former staff members, including Deputy Principals Kieran Glennen and Matt Byrne who represented our governing body DOBCEL. The stadium was ablaze with flowers and banners featuring our houses and our core values, and our students engaged in a very positive way.

Following the Mass there were blessings given to our new and returning staff as well as the Year 12 badges were presented to the Year 12 cohort and the House badges to the Year 7s. It is hoped these students will wear their badges each day with pride and a sense of belonging to both the school and their house teams who represent the foundations of our school.

Our 2022 Subject Dux students were then presented with their awards and we heard from our School Dux Ruby Conheady who encouraged all students to understand that there is no shortcut to success. Her speech was indeed inspiring.
We once again congratulate our 2022 College Dux Ruby Conheady and our Subject Dux recipients on their achievement:
Agriculture & Horticulture - Alex Martin
Biology - Ruby Conheady
Business Management - Jackson Gill and Sarah Lane
Chemistry - Ruby Conheady
Dance - Alyssa Finney
English - Gryff Dwyer
Further Mathematics - Rosie Pickles
Health & Human Development - Gryff Dwyer and Eliza Fleming
History: Ancient History - Oscar Coolahan
Legal Studies - Jackson Gill and Olivia Meade
Mathematical Methods - Ruby Conheady
Media - Oscar Coolahan
Specialist Mathematics - Johanna Deane
Physical Education - Gryff Dwyer
Physics - Ruby Conheady
Product Design & Technology - Veni Ong
Psychology - Claudia Fitzgerald
Studio Arts - Sarah Lane
Visual Communication Design - Sarah Lane
Certificate II in Allied Health Assistance - Chloe Vick

Our Middle School and Junior School Leaders were then presented to the school. They take on special roles and represent the Mercy Regional College spirit everyday in their actions and interactions with others.

Junior School Leaders

Middle School Leaders

Year 12 Retreat
Year 12 Retreat 2023 focused on how to deal with challenges, to foster a sense of teamwork and unity within the group and to help students become more confident in their own personal strengths and capabilities. The retreat was organised within the College theme for 2023 ‘Celebrating our Past, Inspiring our Future’ and was held in the stunning surrounds of Cave Hill Creek, outside of Beaufort.
Students were involved in a number of fun, team-focused games and activities that included a reflection walk in the beautiful area surrounding the accommodation.
Among the all-time favourite Retreat activities were canoeing, low ropes climbing, bouldering, hut building as well as a production of an individual vision board encapsulating students' hopes and dreams for the year ahead.
The much anticipated ‘Op-Shop Formal’ was also a fun and entertaining evening which enabled everyone to bond as a group.
The final day away saw the focus turn to the year ahead, as students put together ‘survival kits’ and then spent some time writing a letter to themselves about their goals, hopes and aspirations. We finished our time away with a reflective liturgy with Cave Hill Creek as a lovely peaceful background. The Retreat was a great chance for our Year 12 students to unplug and engage with classmates and staff and an opportunity for them to set themselves up for a challenging and rewarding year of 2023.

Shrove Tuesday
Yesterday was Shrove Tuesday - Pancake Day. This is a Christian tradition which marks the beginning of the Lenten season.
To celebrate and acknowledge this day, the social justice group at both campuses made and sold freshly made pancakes. A special thank you to Wendy Gleeson for all her help and support of this activity.
All proceeds will go towards our Project Compassion (Caritas) lenten fundraising efforts.
Lent - Project Compassion
This year, Project Compassion demonstrates how we can go further together to transform the lives of others. For more than 55 years, Caritas Australia has been privileged to work together with our neighbours – our most vulnerable sisters and brothers in Australian communities and in many other countries. Working with our partner agencies in those communities, we have developed the strength to combat poverty, promote justice and uphold the dignity of every person.
Throughout Project Compassion 2023, inspiring stories from Nepal, Australia and Vietnam will be shared, highlighting the importance of working hand in hand with communities around the world. By donating to Project Compassion this year, you will be supporting Caritas’ efforts in assisting our global brothers and sisters.
Ash Wednesday / Fridays in Lent - Canteen Adjustments
It is a Catholic tradition to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday and for many on Fridays during Lent (the lead up to Easter). This is linked to the belief that fasting and self-denial are important spiritual practices. It can be a reminder to place value on our spiritual lives and to take time for prayer, reflection and acts of charity during the season of Lent.
Some Catholics also choose to abstain from meat as a form of solidarity with the poor, and as a way of caring for our Earth, which is a gift from God that we are called to protect and preserve for future generations.
In support of this, we will have canteen adjustments on Ash Wednesday (today) as well as Fridays until the end of Term - please look out for some meat free alternative specials available on these days.
Kellie Wilson - Catholic Identity, Mission & Ethos Leader
Jo-Anne Saunders - Liturgy Coordinator
50th Anniversary Celebrations

A Special Spirit
This Jubilee year of MRC will see the publishing of Lachie Lee’s book, A Special Spirit, which tells the story of Catholic Regional College and its transformation into Mercy Regional College. Lachie has captured stories from many people and families who made CRC and MRC great while reflecting on the rivalries and challenges that arose along the journey.
A Special Spirit is nearing completion, ready for its October launch and pre-orders will soon be available through the College website. There also will be a range of merchandise available to all so that you can show your MRC belonging and celebrate this milestone.

Expanding Archives
Do you have photos and memorabilia at home? Do you, your family members or friends have photos taken at school or school events?
We would love the opportunity to borrow, scan and return so that we have the best possible range of photos to use in the book and in displays this year.
Do you have memorabilia that could be borrowed and displayed on the Jubilee weekend in November?
Please contact Jean Christie at the College
Library News
Book Club at the Pub
Do you love reading and meeting people?
All parents, staff and friends of the College are invited to join the MRC Book Club.

Book Club is a great way to take a break from the busyness of life and:
- Discover new books
- Meet new people
- Gain different perspectives and points of view
Not only that, Book Club involves snacks and drinks!

This term we will be reading a terrific book recommended by Deputy Principal - Learning, Teaching & Innovation Natalie Stephenson - Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus.
We will meet at 7pm on Wednesday 29 March at the Commercial Hotel in Terang to discuss and share our thoughts on the book and enjoy a social catch up.
You can order the book from your favourite bookshop or here.
If you would like to join us, please let us know by registering here. There is no cost.

Game on!
Last year some of the students who are regular Library users at O’Keeffe Campus did an audit of the games available in the Library and created a wish list of games they would like to use at lunchtime. Most of these games were able to be sourced and are now available. Due to an increased interest in Chess, the Chess sets will also be updated and added to.
Students are also invited to make suggestions and request any books they are interested in.
Jean Christie
Library & Resource Centre Coordinator
Sports Report

House Swimming Carnival
On Friday 10 February, our community celebrated one of the most iconic sporting events of MRC life - Swimming Carnival.
The hot and sunny weather made everyone a bit more eager to get in the water. The day saw a big turn out, with students doing their part by participating, cheering on and dressing up in their house colours. Everyone was excited to see what costumes Year 12 students wear to celebrate their final school Swimming Carnival.
Markey students defended their champion title in the House competition, with an overwhelming total of 601 points.
Well done to all participants and our warmest congratulations to age group champions:
Under 13:
- Charlotte H. and Kiara L. (tied)
- Archie M.
Under 14:
- Pippa B.
- Harrison G.
Under 15:
- Elsie S.
- Hamish M.
Under 16:
- Matilda D.
- Aidan C.
Under 17:
- Jessica W.
- Luke K.
Under 21:
- Kiarna M.
- Henry R.

HSSSD Senior Cricket
On Monday 13 February 2023, the MRC Senior cricket team travelled to Timboon for a big day of cricket. The fixture consisted of 2 games played for each team. Competition for Mercy consisted of Terang College, Cobden Technical School and also Timboon P-12 School.
Game 1
Game 1 was played against Cobden Technical School. Mercy won the toss and decided to bat first. The conditions weren’t great as constant showers were unpleasant, however this didn’t get in the way of a strong showing in the first innings. As Mercy posted a dominant score of 153 (15 overs), with Ethan W. top scoring on 46 and also Henry R. posting a handy 28. This score proved too difficult of a task for the opposition as they were unsuccessful in their chase, scoring 48. The wickets were shared amongst bowlers evenly, as everyone took at least one. Mercy showed a dominant hand in the field, many catches were taken to dismiss batsman and also great efforts to minimise runs being scored.
Game 2
In Game 2 Mercy were faced with a big challenge in Timboon P-12, as they had a good win against Terang College in their first game. After a big break in between games, the boys were back out there ready to go, ultimately deciding to bowl first. Two tall opening batsmen set a big challenge for the bowlers, this challenge was met by Wilba C. and others as they steamed in and bowled well. Timboon batted well, setting a difficult chase for the Mercy batsmen in the second innings, with 88 being required to win off 15 overs. The batting was opened by Henry R. and Wilba C. Henry was dismissed early, creating a bit of unease. This brought to the crease Jonty R. who alongside Wilba would prove to be the game winning partnership. The two batted patiently and played their shots well against a quality bowling attack. Jonty (36 not out) and Wilba (43 not out) secured the win in the 14th over, cruising to victory.
A big thanks to Timboon P-12 for offering their facilities for the day and also Mr Cheeseman for driving the bus and coaching the team!

HSSSD Swimming
Yesterday the HSSSD Swimming Sports were held in Terang, in what was a big day in the pool.
Overall, MRC finished in the 1st place with a total of 720 points, as opposed to 2nd placed Timboon P-12's 519 points. We also had a number of students win age champion awards:
Under 12/13 Girls: Charlotte H.
Under 12/13 Boys: Archie M.
Under 14 Girls: Pippa B.
Under 14 Boys: Harrison G.
Under 15 Girls: Elsie S.
Under 16 Girls: Matilda D.
Under 17 Girls: Jessica W.
Student Achievements

Parker and Albie, Year 9
Well done to our Year 9 students Parker W. from Cobden Cricket Club and Albie C. from Bookaar Cricket Club on representing South West Cricket Association in an Under 15 All Star game selected from the Horsham Country week competition in January. Parker scored 43 and bowled very well with excellent figures of 5/10 off 5.4 overs. Albie scored 49 and together with Parker put on an 86 run partnership after their team was 4-22 chasing 135. Their team made the runs with one wicket left.
Lenny and Daniel, Year 11
Our Year 11 students Lennox and Daniel recently competed at the Team Navy Australian Surf Rowers League Open competition in Bulli, New South Wales. They were selected, along with local friends, as the Victorian U19 representative team after strong results rowing as the Port Campbell Subsonics. The Victorian team came 4th in the Interstate Titles. What a wonderful achievement!
The Port Campbell Subsonics also reached the quarter finals of the open carnival, racing against the best U19 teams across the country.

Pictured with heir sweep, Andrew Vogels
Photo credit: Coralee Askew

Pictured with their teammates and their sweep
Photo credit: Coralee Askew
Alumni News
Class Reunions 2023
2023 is a special year for CRC and MRC community. As the College is celebrating its 50th anniversary, we are hoping to see many of our alumni involved in events and festivities. And what year can be better to have a class reunion than the jubilee year?
We are calling out to the graduating classes of milestone years who are due to have a reunion in 2023. If you are planning an event, please contact the College at or 03 5593 2011. We will be happy to help you promote your event and organise a campus tour for your group.
- Graduating Class of 1978 – 45 Years Reunion
- Graduating Class of 1983 – 40 Years Reunion
- Graduating Class of 1988 – 35 Years Reunion
- Graduating Class of 1993 – 30 Years Reunion
- Graduating Class of 1998 – 25 Years Reunion
- Graduating Class of 2003 – 20 Years Reunion
- Graduating Class of 2008 – 15 Years Reunion
- Graduating Class of 2013 – 10 Years Reunion
- Graduating Class of 2018 – 5 Years Reunion
- Graduating Class of 2022 – 1 Year Reunion

Career News

Upcoming Dates and Events
Friday 24 February - Unit 1 Outdoor Education Pool Session
Monday 27 February - Unit 1 Outdoor Education Pool Session
Fundraising BBQ @ McAuley Campus
Wednesday 1 March - Year 7 Immunisations
Presentation Ball Practice
Thursday 2 March - HSSSD Intermediate & Senior Tennis
Friday 3 March - House Athletics Carnival
Monday 6 March - Cyber Safety Talk (O'Keeffe Students)
Presentation Ball Practice
Tuesday 7 March - SSV Golf Event
Wednesday 8 March - GWR Intermediate & Senior Cricket
Thursday 9 March - Friday 10 March - Outdoor Education Surf Camp
Monday 13 March - Labour Day Public Holiday
Tuesday 14 March - GWR Swimming Sports
Tuesday 14 March - Monday 27 March - NAPLAN
Friday 17 March - Year 11 Presentation Ball
Wednesday 22 March - MRC Open Day
Monday 27 March - HSSSD Athletics TBC
Thursday 30 March - GWR Lawn Bowls
Friday 31 March - School Photos
Monday 3 April - Thursday 6 April - Year 10 Work Experience
Thursday 6 April - Term 1 Concludes
Student Free Day
Staff PL Day - Trauma Informed Pedagogy
Community Notices
Cobden Skate Park Leagues Competition
Click on the link to find out more information.