MRC Newsletter - Issue 13 - 4 September 2024

2024 Season of Creation Prayer
Triune God, Creator of all, We praise you for your goodness, visible in all the diversity that you have created, making us a cosmic family living in a common home. Through the Earth you created, we experience love and nourishment, home and protection.
We confess that we do not relate to the Earth as a Mothering gift from you, our Creator. Our selfishness, greed, neglect, and abuse have caused the climate crisis, loss of biodiversity, human suffering as well as the suffering of all our fellow creatures. We confess that we have failed to listen to the groans of the Earth, the groans of all creatures, and the groans of the Spirit of hope and justice that lives within us.
May your Creator Spirit help us in our weakness, so that we may know the redeeming power of Christ and the hope found in him. May the groans of the Spirit birth in us a willingness to serve you faithfully, so that we may hear and heal Creation, to hope and act together with her, so that the firstfruits of hope may blossom.
Loving and Creator God, we pray that you will make us sensitive to these groans and enable us to have the same compassion as that of Jesus, the redeeming Lord. Grant us a fresh vision of our relationship with Earth, and with one another, as creatures that are made in your image.
In the name of the one who came to proclaim the good news to all Creation, Jesus Christ.
Principal's Message

This week, we welcome the beginning of spring, celebrate fathers and father figures, recognise our Mercy heritage, and commence the Season of Creation in our Catholic Church.
We marked Father’s Day by honouring the love, guidance, and sacrifices of our fathers and father figures. Their nurturing presence in our lives mirrors the care shown by Jesus’ earthly father, Joseph, who exemplified steadfast devotion and compassion. Just as Joseph supported and protected his family, our fathers and father figures play a vital role in shaping our lives with wisdom and love.
The Season of Creation began on Sunday with the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, marking the start of an annual ecumenical celebration of prayer and action for our common home.
Yesterday, we celebrated the contribution of Father Bob Markey to the establishment of our school in 1973. Markey is our blue house, and our new Markey house flag flies this week on our special occasion flagpoles. We also enjoyed some delicious blue-iced donuts!
Markey House Representing the Priests, Markey House is named after Fr. Robert Markey, the Parish Priest of Simpson at the time of the creation of the Catholic Regional College in 1973. Fr. Markey supported families who wanted their children to have a Catholic education founded on Gospel values. His tenacity and drive are forever remembered.

Frayne Speech Festival
Last Friday, I attended the Frayne Speech Festival with our debating team and their coach, Ms Joanna Lean. The Frayne Festival unites schools governed and affiliated with Mercy Education Limited (MEL). Named after Mother Ursula Frayne, who founded the first Mercy schools in Perth and Melbourne and was a passionate advocate for education, the festival celebrates the spoken word and its power to change minds, inspire new ways of thinking, and bring joy. It’s a powerful reminder of how we can use our voices to share ideas, debate important questions, and bring poetry to life. Mercy Regional College was well represented by our debating team—Joseph M., Shaun C., and Jack M. They participated in two debates, arguing the negative of "That disruptive climate protests do more harm than good" and the affirmative of "That bans on mobile phones in schools are ineffective." We will gather together to further celebrate Ursula Frayne and the Sisters of Mercy at our Mercy Mass in Week 9 on our McAuley campus.

Seeds of Justice Retreat
We have eight students heading to the MEL Regional Seeds of Justice Retreat with staff members Joanne Saunders and Melanie Bourchier on Thursday and Friday in Anglesea. The MEL Regional Seeds of Justice Retreat brings together staff and students from Mercy schools to deepen their commitment to social justice. Participants will explore issues of justice, peace, and environmental stewardship, focusing on the Mercy tradition.
Staff News
In staff news, we extend our best wishes to Chelsea Ludeman, Josaine Gardner, and Jenni Lenehan for a restful extended break as they begin their long service leave. We welcome Peter Robert, who will be covering Chelsea’s classes, and Sharyn Grinter and Caitlin Rix, who will be covering Josaine’s. Bern Savory will take care of O’Keeffe Reception while Jenni is away. We welcome back College Counsellor Sharon Suhan after her period of extended leave and thank our new College Counsellor, Tash Neal, for stepping in early to support us while Sharon was away. Tash will continue her work with us on Mondays until her full-time commencement at the beginning of 2025. On Sunday, I will be heading off with David to explore Scotland and Ireland for three weeks. During my absence, Deputy Principal Natalie Stephenson will step into the role of Acting Principal.
Looking ahead to 2025, we are pleased to announce that Adam Dowie will join our Mercy staff as our Middle Years Community Leader (9/10). Adam currently teaches and leads at Warrnambool College. We are also pleased to welcome former student and graduate teacher Claudia Lee to our O’Keeffe teaching team.
Attendance Procedures and Parent and Emergency Contacts
The recent weather conditions have highlighted the critical importance of maintaining accurate records and attendance requirements to ensure the safety of our students. Up-to-date school records enable us to communicate swiftly with parents when necessary. Please prioritise the following actions. Thank you for your attention to these important procedures:
- All students arriving after the start of the school day must sign in at Reception, whether they are a few minutes late or returning from an appointment.
- Ensure that Parent/Guardian contact information is current, including both Primary and Emergency contacts. Emergency contacts should be informed that if we cannot reach either parent/guardian, we will then contact those listed as emergency contacts.
Parent, Teacher, Student Interviews (PTSIs)
We look forward to welcoming our parents and carers for our Semester 2 Parent, Teacher, Student Interviews this afternoon and evening. Interviews will be hosted in two formats:
3:30-5:30 pm Onsite ONLY
6:00-8:00 pm Online ONLY

Our young people continue to thrive and excel with many notable student achievements. Congratulations and well done to:
⭐️ Amelia P. (4th) and Harrison G. (4th) in Schools State Clay Target Shooting
⭐️ Piper S. - HFNL 17 & U Netball Best and Fairest - Camperdown
⭐️ Lara C. - HFNL 17 & U Netball RU Best and Fairest - Terang Mortlake
⭐️ Pippa B. - HFNL 15 & U Netball RU Best and Fairest - Terang Mortlake
⭐️ Bayden W. - HFNL U 14 Football RU Best and Fairest - Camperdown
⭐️ Myles S. - HFNL 18 & U Netball RU Best and Fairest - Camperdown
⭐️ Nellie S. - WDFNL 17 & U RU Best and Fairest - Kolora-Noorat
We wish our Intermediate Netball Team all the very best as they head to Waverley on Monday to compete in the SSV State Netball Championships. The team will be coached by staff members Zoe Bouchier and Emily Stephens:
Piper S.
Pippa B.
Charli D.
Macy M.
Lara C.
Shelby M.
Lyla G.
Mila D.
Lila B.
I look forward to sharing more news upon my return at the beginning of Term 4.
Thank you for your kindness and generosity,
Sharon Gillett - Principal
Learning at MRC

It is hard to believe that we are already in Week 8 of Term 3! As the days lengthen and the weather starts to improve, although maybe not the weekend just gone, it is so heartwarming to see the daffodils blooming and the trees starting to wake up from their winter slumber.
The school is abuzz this afternoon with the Year 7-11 Parent, Student and Teacher Interviews. The interviews offer a valuable opportunity for you to engage in open and constructive dialogue with your child's teachers. To celebrate the student’s successes and to discuss strategies and approaches we can collectively use to help the student’s build their capabilities. Our teachers will provide insights into your child's progress, areas of improvement, and strategies to support their success during their final term.
During these conversations, we encourage you to ask questions, seek clarification, and share any concerns you may have. Together, we can create a collaborative partnership between parents, teachers, and students to ensure a positive and productive finish to the year. The support and guidance you provide at home will undoubtedly have a profound impact on your child's motivation and perseverance in their studies.
It is nearly three quarters of the way through the year and some students are starting to run low on supplies such as stationery, pens etc. Could you please check in with your child and if need be restock their stationery supplies?
I have noticed recently that there has been a jump in the number of students coming to school with computers that are not fully charged. We are hoping that you will be able to support our young people by reminding them to ensure that computers start the day fully charged.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out if there are aspects of your child's education that you wish to discuss. Our focus is to work collaboratively with you to ensure that all students are given the opportunity to reach their full potential.
Leanne Delahunty - Director of Learning & Teaching
Senior School

Junior School
La prononciation française - How to pronounce difficult words in French
The Year 8 students are studying French pronunciation rules, focussing on the 6 vowels and 9 major vowel combinations that make French challenging. We collected some hard to pronounce words, copied them onto whiteboards and drew a picture to remind us of the meaning. Here are the students from 8B testing each other with some creatively illustrated words. Ms Socha's owl (hibou) looked a bit like a ghost (fantôme).

Discovery Day
We were pleased to welcome prospective 2025 Year 7 students to our O'Keeffe Campus last Monday, where they participated in a Mystery Discovery Day.
Students participated in several workshops across the campus as part of their mission. We thank all staff who contributed to the success of the day.
Community & Wellbeing at MRC

We have some exciting initiatives coming up that have been driven by our student cohort. Every year we celebrate RU OK? day. This will be on Thursday 12th September.
There are many ways we connect with each other throughout our days, however, this day created specifically to highlight and empower people to meaningfully lend support to each other and check in.
The aim is to find the importance on checking if someone is OK. In our MERCY classes we look at various elements of this day: how to be a good friend, how to have a conversation, where to get support, help-giving, listening and responding, setting boundaries and supporting your mates.
Following RU OK? day, we have our much anticipated ‘Mercy Dip for Mental Health’. We love this morning and are excited to again host our school community with the aim of bringing the importance of Mental Health to the forefront. This has been driven by our VM students who are working extremely hard behind the scenes to make this a day of learning, breaking stigma and raising awareness. We have teamed up with ‘Let’s Talk’ foundation where all the proceeds of the morning will be donated.
Keep your eye out for the advertisements about this morning and we’re looking forward to you coming and taking the ‘Mercy Dip’. To register, please click the link below.
We’ve observed that some students arriving late to school are bypassing the office and heading directly to their classrooms. This practice can make roll marking challenging and impacts our ability to ensure student safety. For the safety and well-being of all our students, it is crucial that any student arriving after the start of the school day signs in at the office/reception before proceeding to their class. This step is essential for accurate roll marking and helps us keep track of all students during school hours.
We appreciate your cooperation in reinforcing this procedure with your child/ren.
Community Meal
VM students Logan H., Allison V. and Ellie H. served up a delicious meal with Robyn at the Community Meal in the Uniting Church hall last Wednesday.
On the menu for those who have braved the weather was cottage pie, scalloped sweet potatoes, fruit salad and chocolate mousse.
We thank the Community Meal for having us and for our VM students and staff for helping set up.

Emily Stephens - Assistant Principal, Wellbeing & Engagement
Sports Report

Clay Target Shooting
Well done to the 8 students who participated in the South West Zone School Championships for Trap Shooting in Noorat last week. Congratulations to Harrison G. and Amelia P. who came third and progressed onto the state level, as well as Shaun C. and Halle B. for coming 4th.
Students were also able to meet Bronze Medallist, Penny Smith who shared her Olympic journey with our aspiring young athletes.
Well done to Harrison and Amelia who then went on to the State Competition in Echuca and came 4th! A terrific effort!

Faith at MRC

Season of Creation
The theme for 2024 is: “To hope and act with Creation”
In the spirit of renewal and responsibility, the theme for the 2024 Season of Creation resonates with a powerful call to action: “To hope and act with Creation.” This message encapsulates the essence of our collective duty towards the environment and the urgent need to foster hope in the face of ecological challenges.
The season starts 1 September, the Day of Prayer for Creation, and ends 4 October, the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of ecology beloved by many Christian denominations.
In his letter to the Romans, Paul pictured the earth as a mother, groaning in childbirth [Rom 8:22], later echoed by Francis of Assisi when he referred to the Earth as our Sister and Mother in his Canticle of Creatures. Yet, in modern times, our relationship to the Earth is of subjection and exploitation, rather than nurturing and respect.
And yet, there is hope and the expectation for a better future. To hope in a biblical context does not mean to stand still and quiet, but rather groaning, crying, and actively striving for new life amidst the struggles. Just as in childbirth, we go through a period of intense pain, but new life springs forth.
As stewards of this planet, the call to hope is a beacon guiding us towards a future of sustainability, balance, and harmony with nature. It invites us to envision a world where the beauty of Creation is preserved for generations to come, where ecosystems flourish, and where every living being finds its place in the delicate web of life.
Year 8 Retreat Day
On Monday 2nd September, Year 8 students participated in their annual retreat day. This day is embedded in the students’ Religious Education program and provides an opportunity to withdraw and reflect on some bigger issues that connect to students. This particular day was focused on Social Justice and embedded the Catholic Social Teachings of Dignity of the Human Person and Care for Our Common Home.
The keynote speaker for the day was Kristi Davidson, who created the organisation Offspring Project. In her work in India, Kristi and her team work with a small group of women who have experienced human trafficking. They give these women education and skills so that they are less likely to find themselves in the trafficked situation again. Kristi’s talk with the students was age appropriate and raises their awareness that there are many people in the world that are suffering and may need others' support to lift them up to create a better life. This is connected to the Catholic Social Teaching Dignity of the Human Person, the belief that all people hold a special value that's tied solely to their humanity. Students also completed a small workshop with Kristi, creating a keyring using materials that they work with in the Project in India. The keyring can be used as a touchstone memory for the day - to recall the idea that each of us can play a small role in reducing the world wide effects of consumerism.
Due to the unforeseen weather, the afternoon tree planting had to be postponed. We instead spent the time reflecting on the catholic social teaching Care for our Common Home, particularly on the importance of trees and caring for the environment. Students participated in a range of workshop activities to explore the importance of their impact on the world.
Students finished the day with a moment of reflection in order to consider how they would engage this learning in their personal lives.

Melanie Bourchier - Director of Catholic Identity & Culture
Library News

Book Club
Due to inclement weather our MRC Book Club needed to be postponed last week. Stay tuned for details on the rescheduled date.

You can find us on Facebook at:
Mercy Regional College Book Club
Jean Christie - Library & Resource Centre Coordinator

Latest Careers Newsletter:
Useful Careers Links:
Child Safety

Mercy Regional College is a child-safe community.
Child Safety Officers:

Emily Stephens

Matthew Irving

Sharon Suhan

Chadley Peerman
Contact them by email or on:
Phone - 55932011 (McAuley Campus) or 55925353 (O’Keeffe Campus)
2024 Car Raffle
Our 2024 Car Raffle is now live!
An MG ZS Excite (demo) from Callaghan Motors is our fantastic first prize, with 8 more terrific prizes on offer!
Raffle tickets are available online for $20 at
Please support our major fundraiser which will raise funds for a new College bus!
If you are unable to buy raffle tickets online, you will find paper order forms in numerous shops across the region, as well as some local events. A book will also be sent home to families.
Buy a book of 5 tickets before 7pm on 26 October to enter the Early Bird Draw for a $1000 MRC School Fees Voucher!
For more about the draw and our fantastic prizes, including answers to FAQ, please visit our website:
Please share this post with your family and friends. We don’t want anyone to miss out!
Permit No: 10241/24
Volunteers needed
If you are able to assist us by selling tickets at one of our raffle stalls, it would be most appreciated!
Please let us know via the form below.
Dates include Local Markets, Masses, Terang Colour Festival, Camperdown Show, Noorat Show and more.

School Notices

Upcoming Dates and Events

Thursday 5 September
Regional Seeds of Justice Conference
Friday 6 September
Middle School Oratory Competition
Monday 9 September
SSV Int Girls Netball State Competition
Year 9 Ag Excursion
Thursday 29 August
Year 7 Humanities Excursion
Thursday 12 September
Junior Library Excursion
Friday 13 September
Mercy Dip for Mental Health
Our Lady of Mercy Mass
O'Keeffe Classes at McAuley
Tuesday 17 September
Unit 4 English Practice Exam
Wednesday 18 September
McAuley Cup & Shield
Thursday 19 September
Term 3 ends for students
Friday 20 September
Staff PL Day - Student Free Day
Monday 9 September
Term 4 Commences
Saturday 26 October
Spirit of Mercy Awards Dinner
Community Notices

Camperdown Little Athletics Centre has been selected by Little Athletic Victoria to host a ITLAS Course with 2 trained facilitators, Kelly Costin and Mandi Cole on Sunday 15th September 2024 from 9:00am - 3:30pm.We would like to invite you to have the opportunity to offer this to any staff or parents that might have an interest in upskilling and participating in this course.
This course can be helpful for parents who help at school sports and other coaching roles. We as a committee wanted to be able to deliver this fantastic opportunity to our parents /guardians and schools by keeping it local and making it accessible to all. ITLAS course is a non-accredited, practical program designed for Little Athletics and conducted on behalf of Little Athletics Australia, and is held as a face-to-face training day for parents/guardians. Participants will attend a face-to-face training day where they will be shown skills, drills, and activities relevant to the target age group.
Participants will have exclusive use of our venue Track, field area and the Athletic Club room at Camperdown College Sports Precinct CNR Fredrick st / Fuller st. Morning tea will be supplied, BYO Lunch. The session is a minimum of 10 participants with a maximum of 30.
Cost: The cost of ITLAS is $70 + Game Day Fee per person
We understand that with it being an out of pocket cost it may not be ideal but we would really appreciate the support.As spots are limited and we are hosting for the region we would appreciate notification of interest ASAP so we can forward out the link to register once LAVic opens the registration portal.
It would be a first in best dressed situation.
Program Inclusions: ITLAS Participant’s Pack – Interactive PDF,
Coaching Manuals – Interactive PDF,
Centre Officiating handbook,
Certificate of completion (Emailed following successful completion of program), and
other additional handouts.
Please contact myself on 0428844755 or KristyClarke on 0408584044 with expression of interest or any further questions ASAP so when LAVic open registration we can forward link out to those who are interested, so we can assure you don't miss out on a spot.
Some great opportunities for young people
More Than a One Night Stand Sessions are an extensive series of bespoke industry training programs, panel sessions, songwriting workshops and an industry forum. Check out the range of events happening between September 12-14 here.
Extend your One Night Stand and make a weekend of it! From Friday 13th to Sunday 15th of September, you won’t need a permit to busk in Warrnambool’s CBD. 15,000 people will be in town for Triple J’s event and you can get out and be part of the action! Performers need to register here to be allocated a site, and are eligible to receive an $80 payment from Warrnambool City Council to kick start the busking earnings!
Spend two days at the Warrnambool Library writing and recording songs with Alice Ivy, Woodes and Jackson Phelan (Rat!Hammock). On day three, head over to the Lighthouse Theatre and learn all about electronic music productions and careers in the music industry! September 24th - 26th. More information here.
Have an idea you want to pitch or a project to share? Want to learn about the media machine? Come to YACVic's free Media Training and learn what the media is, how to think critically about the media you use, how to talk to them and how to share an idea! And more! In 4 locations across the Great South Coast, get your tickets for Hamilton, Portland, Camper