MRC Newsletter - Issue 10 - 24 July 2024

A Prayer for National Tree Day:

Principal's Message

Welcome back to Term 3!
I hope everyone enjoyed a well-deserved break and had the chance to relax and recharge.
Term 3 is a particularly important time for our Year 12 students as they prepare for their areas of study and assessments. Additionally, this term marks the start of new semester-based subjects and electives for all students, offering exciting opportunities for new learning and growth.

We observed NAIDOC Week during our winter break. The 2024 theme, "Keep the Fire Burning," honoured the enduring strength and vitality of First Nations culture and celebrated their unyielding spirit to stand in solidarity. This Friday is National Schools Tree Day, Australia's largest community tree planting and nature care event. It is a call to action for us all to get our hands dirty and give back to our community. Leader of Environmental Justice Tom Kelly will work with students and staff to recognise this important event.

We farewelled Parish Priest of Our Lady of Mercy Hampden Parish, Fr Gary Jones in early July. We thank Fr Gary for his service and support of our community and wish him the very best in his retirement. We welcome visiting priest Fr Jim McKay who will support the Terang and Mortlake communities until December when a new parish priest will be appointed. Fr Neville is currently enjoying a well earned break and is spending time with his family in Canada.
We welcome back from leave staff members Melanie and Luke Bourchier, Jenni Lenehan and Tania Bruckner from well earned leave at the end of Term 2. On leave this term are College Counsellor Sharon Suhan, teachers Stacey Madden, and for the first few weeks teachers Fiona Sargeant and Mel Simmonds and LSO Pete Delwig.
We warmly welcome to our MRC community the following staff:
- Laura Flanagan - teacher - Year 7 Music, Year 7 and 8 Humanities and Year 8 RE - Laura is from Texas, USA.
- Natasha Neal - College Counsellor- commencing January 2025 and will work casually in 2024.
- Sarah Gilchrist - English teacher - due to arrive from Ireland this week.
- Brooke Lindsey and Kylie Jenkins join our facilities team.
With Year 7 enrolment and learning interviews scheduled for Week 5 and Discovery Day in Week 7, we encourage all families intending to enrol young people for Year 7 in 2025 to complete the enrolment application online or contact College Registrar Nicole Darcy for assistance. Enrolments are also open for students in all other year levels. Look out for our Senior School subject offerings and MRC Car Raffle flyer in your mailbox in the coming weeks or visit our website for more information:

I would like to acknowledge the incredible efforts of our senior students in promoting their Shave for a Cure event, which will take place on Tuesday, August 6. So far, they have raised over $18,000 towards their $20,000 target. This initiative is truly inspiring, especially with our staff members Kym Penry and Jude Murfitt serving as inspiration, alongside the many family members and friends within our community who have been impacted by breast cancer. If you would like to donate please access this link:
Our Unit ½ Outdoor and Environmental Education and other Year 11 and 10 students are currently enjoying the snow dumped by our recent wintery weather as they make the most of our Alpine Experience at Mt Buller. I thank staff members Darren Cheeseman, Emily Stephens, Georgia O’Leary and Lucas Williams for giving their time to ensure this experience can continue to be offered to MRC students.

Next week, families, staff, and students will receive a link to complete the Insight SRC School Improvement survey. I encourage you to take the time to fill out this survey, as your input is crucial in shaping our next School Improvement Plan. The important changes and improvements you see today are a direct result of our school improvement current plan. These include our renewed guiding documents inclusive of our Vision & Values, College Prayer, Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP), Vision for Learning, Wellbeing Framework and College Master Plan. We have also focused attention on enhancing the MRC Learning Culture to inspire and enable all to achieve their best - Running the Room and Home Learning at O’Keeffe, VCE Strive for 25, English curriculum project and application of the principles of Science of Learning to name a few. Without the valued voices of our community, we cannot create a plan that best meets the needs of our young people.

⭐️ Aiden C. from Year 11 who has been selected in the Australian U17 Men’s Netball team. Aiden and the team will compete in New Zealand later this year. This is an amazing achievement. Congratulations Aiden.
⭐️ Well done Maisie P. who now has some of her beautiful hand-painted cards available at the Courthouse Camperdown.
⭐️ Congratulations Orson C. and Aidan V. on their Corangamite Volleyball Premiership!
⭐️ Lenny W., Mason B., and Tayla B. played in the Vline Cup football competition.
⭐️ Well done Molly K., Tayla B., Claire K., Matilda C. and Shelby M. who played in Interleague over the holidays!
⭐️ U17 HFNL Interleague team Captain Darcy H., Campbell W., Parker W., Aidan C., and Winton O. played against the Ballarat Football Netball League.
⭐️ Nate S. played on the U15 Interleague football side on Sunday at Buninyong for the CDFNL, unfortunately going down to Central Highlands. He was named among the best players.
⭐️ Tyra S. and Charlotte H. have made the SWAS Netball Academy. They train in Warrnambool each month and will play in Melbourne in October.
⭐️ Bayden W. and Olivia C. for winning the Shortbread Baking Competition in the Secondary Section of the 2024 Robbie Burns Celtic Festival!
Please find a link to our Annual Report to the School Community below:
Finally, I share some important dates for Semester 2:

Thank you for your kindness and generosity,
Sharon Gillett - Principal
Learning at MRC

Welcome back to Term 3.
As always Term 3 is gearing up to be a busy one with lots of great learning opportunities for our students.
Across the school many students are looking forward and starting to plan where their educational journey will take them in 2025. Our year 12 students are nearing the end of their secondary education as they finish coursework tasks and start to prepare for the end of year exam. Year 11 students are making decisions about which subject they will continue to study at a year 12 level. The year 10 students have considered their VCE options and have chosen their subjects for next year. Year 9s are in the process of considering their elective classes for next year, for some students this includes VET studies. Very soon our Year 8 students will be given the opportunity to choose the elective classes that they would like to study in 2025.
A power of work has gone in behind the scenes to ensure that each student has the opportunity to study subjects which will prepare them for life beyond Mercy. A big shout out goes to our Learning Leaders team, which works tirelessly to support each and every student and ensure that there are many and varied opportunities available to them.
NAPLAN Results
This year’s NAPLAN results for individual students were received by MRC and have been posted to parents. If you did not receive your child’s NAPLAN results please contact reception.
The proficiency standard includes 4 measures of achievement for each year level to provide clear and simple information on how a child is performing based on their NAPLAN test result. If a student is in the Strong or Exceeding categories, it means they have demonstrated proficiency and are meeting the expected capabilities for their year level. If a child has not yet achieved proficiency, then they will either be in the Developing category or the Needs Additional Support category.
As a school we have not yet received any information on how our student results compare to state and national averages or ‘like schools’. This data comes later in the year. It is important to remember that the NAPLAN tests, although a viable and important measure of capacity, are a snapshot of ability on one day and we use these results in conjunction with other learning data to gain the fullest and most accurate picture of each student's strengths and weaknesses.
As always we will work together to analyse our data to ensure that all students are receiving the support they need to to grow.
Should you have any concerns please make contact with your child’s subject teacher. I am also available to assist you when addressing concerns that you may have in relation to your child’s NAPLAN results or any other aspect of their learning.
Leanne Delahunty - Director of Learning and Teaching

Senior School

This term is our last full term with the Year 12 cohort. It's time to hit the accelerator in terms of completing unit 4 content and starting to prepare for exams. The students have been reminded that the library is available for study after school until 4.30 each night. Year 12 teachers are available to assist the students in their subject areas and the students are encouraged to make time with their teachers to seek assistance.
Unit 4 parent/student/teacher interviews on Tuesday afternoon have been a great opportunity for teachers, students and parents to discuss how the student needs to tackle this final term. These conversations are always positive and hopefully give parents ways they can support their children through this crucial time in their schooling.
I have enjoyed many conversations with both year 11 and 10 students in regard to their subject selections for 2025. I commend them for their initiative and maturity throughout this process and look forward to working with them throughout their VCE journey.
If you require more information on assisting your child through the final stages of year 12 please contact me and I will be happy to help with some strategies.
Melanie Kavanagh - Learning Leader - Senior School
VM Literacy Excursion
On Friday 19th July, our Year 11 VM Literacy class headed to Melbourne on an excursion.
We visited the Melbourne Museum to attend TAC’s ‘Road to Zero’ experience. As a class we have been analysing TAC ads, their purpose and how they have evolved since their inception in 1989.
At the experience, we rotated through a range of interactive displays promoting road safety and how we can become closer to achieving zero deaths on Australian roads. We were then assigned the task of creating an advertisement to promote ways in which the public can be safe while sharing the roads.
After leaving the museum, we made our way to Melbourne Central for lunch and bowling. Mr Baker absolutely dominated, getting the highest score.
As we made our way back to Southern Cross Station we heard that all trains had been cancelled. We had to resort to catching a taxi back to Lara where we had left the school bus. After a quick Macca’s stop for dinner we arrived back at school three hours later than expected. Overall, Mr Baker and Mrs Horan worked really hard to make our excursion enjoyable and possible. We also thank Mrs Henry and Mrs Sinnott for helping with the planning.

Legal Studies
The Unit 1-2 Legal Studies class concluded the semester by working in small groups on alternative justice programs such as Youth Crime & Justice programs, the Drug Court, Diversion programs, and Justice & Mental Impairment. This rounded off a great semester's work on the criminal justice system.
Each group researched their topic and then presented their key findings to the class, along with some practice questions to check for understanding.

Business Management
The Unit 1 Business Management class finished the semester by creating board games to reflect on Unit 1 topics and introduce new Unit 2 topics. Mostly recycled materials were used creatively to produce some great games.

$20 Boss Business Day
The $20 Boss students held their 'business meeting' on 26 June to celebrate the end of their businesses and semester. They planned and organised all elements of the meeting, including shopping for and making the food, booking the room, and organising certificates. Students completed a short presentation, summarising what they learned and the skills they developed throughout the semester.
The class decided to donate all of their combined profits (between $400 and $500) to the Breast Cancer Network of Australia. We were also fortunate to have MRC's very own Business Manager, Jude Murfitt, join us to speak to the students and ask a few questions as part of the day.

Middle School

Welcome back to Term 3!
After a very welcome break Term 3 has started as busily as ever. Students across Years 9 and 10 have all moved into new electives, exploring new challenges and meeting new teachers. Please check in with your student as to how they are coping and ensure they have all the required materials for their new subjects.
While the Year 9 students begin their new electives, they are also soon to be asked to select electives for Year 10. Navigating this process can be quite overwhelming for both parents and students. Students often feel pressured to make decisions that will shape their future after school, knowing that these choices will influence their VCE or VCE/VM pathway. While we encourage students to explore their interests and begin planning their educational journey towards their goals we ultimately want them to choose subjects that interest and fulfill them. More information will be presented to both parents and students next week to help make those decisions and I am always available to answer questions or offer suggestions. Please reach out if you have any concerns.
The Year 10 students have travelled today to visit the Holocaust Museum. While at the museum they will have had a presentation from a Holocaust survivor as well as the chance to engage with primary source material from the Holocaust and visit the very well presented museum. The excursion provides a rich and engaging end to their unit of studies on WW2 and the Holocaust.

Junior School

Learning the song "Alouette, gentille Alouette" in French class
In Year 7 we have been learning the famous French-Canadian folk song "Alouette, gentille Alouette". It is about a bird (a lark) and describes the feathers being plucked. An art video assisted us in drawing a lark. We then labelled the bird's body parts using the French vocabulary from the song. Here are some of the students showing off their drawings.

Community & Wellbeing at MRC

Welcome back to Term 3 at Mercy!
We are excited to begin a new Term with fresh goals, ideas and outlook on what can be possible! In our last 11 week term in term 2, there were many successes, challenges and triumphs to reflect on. We are keen to continue to make Term 3 just as successful!
Once again, the start of something is a perfect time to focus on our wellbeing and help set ourselves up for that success. Whether you're a student, teacher, or staff member, maintaining a healthy balance is key to achieving your goals and enjoying the journey.
This Term while Sharon S. is on leave we welcome a new addition to our wellbeing team, Tash Neal. We welcome Tash who is going to assist Chadley in working with our young people to support them as they may need.
We are excited to see the Olympics begin this week. We love the stories of hardship, determination, resilience, hard work, support and goal setting that we can draw on to inspire us to bring into our own lives.
This brings me to tell you about my experience this week. As I sit here at the bottom of Mt Buller on a ski camp with a fabulous group of students, I have reflected on their first day on the mountain. With many not having seen snow before, they were challenged early to learn how to navigate a new skill. There was a mix of snowboarders and skiers. Although our first step was a professional lesson, we took small steps to grow our confidence in an unfamiliar space. I commend every young person who took on this challenge. There were tight boots, sore calves, some challenges working out the skis, some graceful and not so graceful falls. What I loved most was everyone's effortless ability to support each other as they went along. They continually encouraged, asked questions and loved the success of a fellow peer. From a wellbeing perspective, these trips make my heart sing as without doubt we see our young people rise to the occasion and flourish in every regard - particularly through a time when the activity can be hard!
As we are continually working with our young people and wellbeing, we know this space is not always smooth sailing. Please reach out if you would like our support and know we will do all we can to help navigate whatever life is throwing at them.
I sign off by looking forward to what tomorrow will bring and the greatness of learning and opportunity!
Emily Stephens - Assistant Principal, Wellbeing & Engagement
Wellbeing Day at O'Keeffe
On Wednesday, 19th June, we celebrated Wellbeing Day at O'Keeffe. The girls enjoyed a 'Girls Day In' while the boys worked with the external group, The Man Cave.The 'Girls Day In' was filled with creativity and relaxation. They enjoyed a diverse range of activities, stepping out of their comfort zones, finding strategies for positive mental health, using their creative flair, and acknowledging the importance of identity.
Bree's yoga session left them rejuvenated, and Chadley's meditation and relaxation session was the perfect start to the day.
Tom Richardson's Find Your Voice Choir brought out their inner stars!
Alderwood Manor's mask-making workshop was a hit, and Innerbloom's gardening therapy had everyone reconnecting with nature.
The boys had a great day with The Man Cave, an external group dedicated to helping boys and young men develop a stronger sense of self, build meaningful relationships, and contribute positively to their communities. They engaged in activities and discussions that helped them grow and develop a stronger sense of self and community.

Senior VM Literacy Students Spread Positivity Through Postcards 

Our Senior VM Literacy students recently participated in a special project by Beyond Blue and Australia Post, writing postcards to important people in their lives. Talking about our feelings and staying connected is crucial for mental health.
Connection boosts life expectancy, physical and mental health, healthy behaviours, and overall wellbeing. The Connections Postcard campaign, launched in 2021 during COVID lockdowns, continues to emphasise the importance of staying connected.
Community Meal
On 19th June, students Angus, Billy, Jake, and Louis, along with staff members Robyn and Wendy, attended the Community Meal, serving up rissoles, mashed potatoes, pumpkin, mixed vegetables, and gravy, followed by sticky date pudding with cream and ice cream. The participants thanked everyone involved for a delicious meal and such a cool day. Thanks to all the staff and students who helped prepare beforehand.

The Shave for a Cure event is coming up soon on 6th August!

Sports Report

🏆🏉 BAS Football Grand Final Victory! 🏉🏆
On Wednesday, 19th June, our BAS footballers won the BAS Football grand final in Ballarat against Damascus College in a nail-biting finish, winning by just 1 point!
🎉 Before the big game, we had George Stevens come in and chat with the boys about school footy, his journey, and some motivation for the players. His words truly inspired everyone for the game.A huge shoutout to our standout players: Aidan C, Gus W, Jacan B, and Darcy V for their incredible performances on the field. 🙌
Thank you to all the dedicated staff, students, and parents who made the trip to support us. Your cheers and encouragement made all the difference!
Special thanks to Wayne Robertson and his coaching team for their unwavering support and guidance. 👏
Well done also to our BAS netballers who enjoyed a great season as well!

State Cross Country
On 18th July, 6 of our students made the big effort to travel to Yarra Glen Racecourse to run in the State Cross Country.
Well done to everyone for participating so well!
Jake A. U13: 90th in a time of 14.57 mins
Isaac L. U13: 35th in a time of 13.10mins
Lucia C. U14: 51st in a time of 15.16 mins
Tayla B. U15: 68th in a time of 17.19mins
Rose B. U17-20: 31st in a time of 15.27mins
Taleah M. U17-20: 41st in a time of 15.52mins
GWR Football & Netball
In the last week of Term 2, our Junior Footballers and Netballers headed to Ballarat for the GWR Competition. The boys really enjoyed playing in the same team as their classmates and although they were unsuccessful, they had a great day playing against quality opposition. Thanks to Lucas Williams for coaching the team!
We were also lucky enough to have both our Year 7 and Year 8 Netballers win through to the GWR stage after winning the local HSSSD netball competition.
The Year 7 girls were able to finish 5th with a 8 point win against Ballarat High School. The Year 8 girls couldn't manage a win against their tough opposition but were still very competitive and had a fun day out. Thanks to Leah Sinnott and Mel Simmonds for coaching these two teams!

SEPEP Netball
During Term 2, our Year 9 students participated in the SEPEP (Sports Education in Physical Education Program) with a focus on netball. This student centered approach to PE has numerous benefits:Enhanced Engagement: Students take on various roles, becoming more invested in the sport.
Improved Skills: The program hones both individual and team netball skills.
Leadership and Teamwork: Students learn teamwork and develop leadership skills.
Lifelong Learning: The experience fosters a lasting love for physical activity and sports.

HSSSD Junior Basketball
Our Year 7 and 8 girls basketball teams participated in the HSSSD Junior Basketball on Monday. The Year 7s played 2 games and won convincingly, and our Year 8s played 4 games also winning comfortably!
Both teams are through to the next round. Well done to everyone involved!

Faith at MRC

Winter Woolies & Food Drive
One of our core values is community. It is a goal to foster belonging and care. As Jesus has taught us to care for others, especially the vulnerable, so too do we teach our students and our wider community about the importance of showing care to those who may be struggling at any given time.
Our Winter Woolies day in Term 2 brought an awareness of others through the fundraising efforts for the St Vinnies Winter Appeal. Our donation of $380 will contribute to St Vinnies work that provides food to the hungry and those at risk of homelessness, it can provide clothes and blankets that are essential for warmth, and it can assist in secure housing for the future.
Leading up to this day, students across the school brought a selection of non-perishable grocery items for donation. We thank you for contributing towards this drive. These items have been donated to the Camperdown Community House Food Bank. Many of these groceries are items that the local food bank are unable to source from the state food bank resource centre. This Food Bank services approximately 100-200 clients every month. The demand has increased over the last twelve months.. It is great that we can foster a relationship with this local group that supports the families of our region with essentials to help them through times of need. This service is available to anyone that needs it.

Refugee Week
On Thursday, June 20th, our amazing Student Leaders organised activities for Refugee Week at both campuses!
To support refugee families through CatholicCare, they baked and sold delicious Anzac and Afghan Biscuits at both campuses for just $1 each. The biscuits were a hit and enjoyed by many!
A huge thank you to everyone who made this donation possible with their generosity and teamwork.

Retreats, Faith Days, Seminar Days
Term 3 is a busy time for Retreats, Faith Days & Seminar Days. These are an essential part of our Religious Education program and our identity as a school. Each retreat is developed to enhance students’ understanding of themselves, others, and the world. Each day is a regular school day and attendance is expected. Many students speak with great fondness and memory of their retreats throughout their time at Mercy. Please check the school calendar and watch your inbox for information regarding your student’s retreat day as it approaches.
Melanie Bourchier - Director of Catholic Identity & Culture
Our Diocesan Community
Please find the link to the July edition of Our Diocesan Community below.
Canteen News

Library News

Zine Workshops in the Library
During the wet wintry weather this term, the Library is offering a lunchtime activity for students at O’Keeffe Campus - Zine Making Workshops. Zines are self-published magazines that anyone can make. It's a tangible, creative and low-cost way to get your ideas and art out to people. It can also be an enjoyable way to present your school work.
In the first session, students watched two short videos about Zines, what they are and the many types of Zines you can make. Then they learned to make a basic, 8 page Zine from a single piece of A4 paper with just a few folds and a cut.
The students have come up with some great themes so far, including: a music catalogue, anime, floral art suggestions from a non-florist, a whimsical magazine about food and the classic high rise buildings of New York. The sessions will continue through July.

Book Club
The MRC Book Club for Term 3 will be on:
Wednesday 28 August
Terang Commercial Hotel
Please RSVP here
Our book this term is The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart by Holly Ringland.
"The most enchanting debut novel of 2018, this is an irresistible, deeply moving and romantic story of a young girl, daughter of an abusive father, who has to learn the hard way that she can break the patterns of the past, live on her own terms and find her own strength.
After her family suffers a tragedy when she is nine years old, Alice Hart is forced to leave her idyllic seaside home. She is taken in by her estranged grandmother, June, a flower farmer who raises Alice on the language of Australian native flowers, a way to say the things that are too hard to speak. But Alice also learns that there are secrets within secrets about her past. Under the watchful eye of June and The Flowers, women who run the farm, Alice grows up. But an unexpected betrayal sends her reeling, and she flees to the dramatically beautiful central Australian desert. Alice thinks she has found solace, until she falls in love with Dylan, a charismatic and ultimately dangerous man.
The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart is a story about stories: those we inherit, those we select to define us, and those we decide to hide. It is a novel about the secrets we keep and how they haunt us, and the stories we tell ourselves in order to survive. Spanning twenty years, set between the lush sugar cane fields by the sea, a native Australian flower farm, and a celestial crater in the central desert, Alice must go on a journey to discover that the most powerful story she will ever possess is her own." (Synopsis from Goodreads)

You can find us on Facebook at:
Mercy Regional College Book Club
Jean Christie - Library & Resource Centre Coordinator

Check out the latest Careers Newsletters below:
Useful Careers Links:
Child Safety

Mercy Regional College is a child-safe community.
Child Safety Officers:

Emily Stephens

Matthew Irving

Sharon Suhan

Chadley Peerman
Contact them by email or on:
Phone - 55932011 (McAuley Campus) or 55925353 (O’Keeffe Campus)
Upcoming Dates and Events

Friday 26 July
Schools Tree Day
Regional Debating
Monday 29 July
HSSSD Intermediate Girls and Boys Basketball
HSSSD Senior Boys Basketball
Tuesday 30 July
Year 12 Mercy Guest Speaker
Wednesday 31 July
Year 7 Special Person's Day
Unit 4 Physics Synchrotron Excursion
Thursday 1 August
Year 8 French Incursion
Tuesday 6 August
Shave for a Cure Event
Maths Competition
Wednesday 7 August
GWR Year 7 & 8 Soccer
Thursday 8 August
Catholic Identity Staff PL Day (no classes)
Year 12 Seminar Day
GWR Intermediate & Senior Basketball
GWR Table Tennis

Community Notices

Some great opportunities for young people
Corangamite young people get some great experience in event planning and management by volunteering for the Youth Showcase happening in Terang 8 September. Check it out Youth Showcase 2024
30 young individuals aged 13-17 are invited to participate in online consultations focused on the digital landscape and data protection. We're eager to hear from young people about the future of the digital world and how data protection impacts them. Participants will receive a $75 voucher for each session attended. Please share this opportunity with teens who have an interest in digital technology! Apply here: https://ayac.typeform. Orygen is offering 30 scholarships to people with lived experience of mental ill-health, to undertake our Certificate IV in Mental Health Peer Work (Consumer Peer Work). These scholarships aim to support a career pathway into mental health and to prepare students for peer support roles across the sector. Applications are now open here:
If you are a young person aged 16-25, Prevention United want you to share your experiences and views on mental health policy in just 10 - 15 minutes. You can also enter a draw for one of five $50 vouchers! Reach out to